Brew # 9 - Morgan’s Balter XPA Clone
Another extract brew - this time, I'm following a Balter XPA clone recipe

- Morgan's Pacific Pale Ale kit (1.7kg)
- 1.5kg Morgan's Master Malt Extra Pale Liquid Malt Extract
- Morgan's American Ale Yeast (15g)
- ~30g Amarillo hop pellets
- ~40g Citra hop pellets
- ~15g Centennial hop pellets

Brew day
- Filled basin with hot water and stood the two liquid malt extracts in to soften
- Boiled ~500mL of cold filtered water and added to glass flask for yeast rehydration (see below)
- Filled Ferm'us with cold filtered water to 5L mark
- Boiled another 1.7L water (that's the max my kettle can take)
- Poured ~1L of the boiling water into the Ferm'us
- Emptied the wort and liquid malt extract tins into the Ferm'us
- Used the rest of the boiling water to rinse the tins
- Lifted the Ferm'us and gave everything a good shake to mix the wort and LME and give a bit of oxygenation (much easier with only ~8L in the Ferm'us instead of 20L like I did before)
- When I removed the pressure lid the seal dropped into the wort!!! It was sanitised, so it shouldn't cause too much harm, but I had to squeeze my arm into the Ferm'us to be able to reach far enough in to grab it when I finally managed to pull it out of the wort
- Topped up with more cold filtered water to 23L - I didn't need any additional boiling water and hit a final temp around ~27C, which is just about perfect
- Placed the Ferm'us into a temp controlled fridge at 22C

OG: 1.066 (I think this was wrong and due to the higher density wort at the bottom of the Ferm'us)
Yeast prep & pitching
- Allowed the temperature of the 500mL pre-boiled water (in the flask - see above) to chill to ~28C
- Placed the flask in the temp controlled fridge (22C) and allow to rehydrate for 15-30 minutes
- I didn't add any wort to the yeast this time
- Gently (no splashing) swirled the flask to suspend the yeast in the liquid
- Poured the yeast mixture into the Ferm'us
- Attached pressure release valve (PRV) to the pressure kit
- Monitored every few hours and adjust the PRV to ensure the Ferm'us doesn't become over-pressurised

Primary Fermentation
- After pitching the yeast the temp rose to around 27C
- I attached the fridge to the temp controller (wasn't attached as I wasn't expecting it to be that high!) and set the temp to 26.5C
- I reduced steadily over 4 days to 24C - by this stage the heater was kicking in to maintain the temp, but I figured it was better to drop slowly than bring it down too quickly and annoy the yeast
- Left for 4 days
Trub Collection
- On day 4 primary fermentation appeared done (didn't measure SG), so I attached a sanitised, empty collection bottle to start collecting the trub
- After 24 hours, detached and emptied the trub from the collection bottle
- Rinsed and sanitised the collection bottle for dry hopping
Dry Hopping
- Added ~30g of Amarillo hop pellets (9.2% AA), ~40g of Citra hop pellets (13.9% AA), and ~15g of Centennial hop pellets (8.8% AA) via a sanitised collection bottle - this was slightly more than the suggested 24g, 40g, and 12g, but I like it hoppy
Crash Cool
- Because the temp was still up around 24C, I started the crash cool straight after dry hopping to hit the target 3C after 7 days
- Temperature controller was used to reduce the temperature by 0.3C every two hours, which means we'll hit 3C after ~6 days
Keg & Carbonate
- Sanitised a keg and placed in the keezer to chill
- Pressurised to ~6PSI
- Transferred the beer from Ferm'us to keg under pressure
- Placed the keg in the keezer
- Attached CO2 at 39PSI to force carbonate for ~24 hrs
- Allowed to stand for ~1 week to condition
- Take photos (again)!!
- Don't drop the pressure lid seal into the wort