Brew # 17 - Kolsch

This recipe is based an all extract brew for a American lager that is a step up (in flavour an alcoholic content) from the Lite American Lager I brewed in February. That turned out to be a really nice, easy drink, as intended.
The plan was to go for something a bit heavier, but I can't get liquid lager yeast (of any variety) at the moment, so I've swapped to a Kolsch yeast instead.
The good news is that it means fermenting at a higher temperature, and things should be ready sooner, too.
Start date: 08 AUG 2021
- 19 litre stainless steel stockpot w/ lid
- Induction cooktop
- Fermentasaurus ("Fermus") w/ pressure kit
- Standard HDPE fermenting bin
- Sanitiser in spray bottle
- Long handle spoon
- Small grain sock
- Funnel (no strainer)
- Paint strainer
- 3kg light dry malt extract
- 700g rice malt syrup (half of this was crystalised)
- 32g Hallertau Mittelfruh hop pellets (3% AA)
- 4 x White Labs WLP029 German Ale/Kolsch Yeast

Sprayed a HDPE fermenting bin with Iodophor solution. Left for a few minutes before rinsing with boiling water.
Soaked the Fermus in Sodium Percarbonate for a few hours (or days). Emptied and rinsed with cold tap water, and allowed to drip dry before spraying with Iodophor (iodine) to sanitise. Rinsed with cooled boiled water after ~5 mins.
Brew Day
There are no grains to steep for this recipe, so it's a case of bringing the water required to boiling point as quickly as possible. This is a partial boil, so we need 11.5 litres in the stock pot to start with, plus half the DME and half the rice syrup to give us the correct SG.
Start time: 12:15
- Boiled kettle and added filtered water repeatedly until I had ~11 litres of hot water in the brew pot
- Placed the stock pot on induction cooktop (set to 'Fry') and started to heat
- Added half (1.5kg) light DME and half the rice syrup to the stock pot, stirring continuously
- Continued to heat the wort to boiling point (NO BOIL OVERS!)
- In the meantime, added ~11 litres of cold filtered water to fermenting bin and placed this in a freezer (I don't want this to freeze, but I want to add the boiling wort straight into the fermenter rather than use the ice bath so I want to make this as cold as possible)
- Once the wort was boiling, placed the Hallertau hop pellets into the grain sock and added to the boil (13:14)
- Boil for 45 minutes

- I forgot to add the Irish moss 10 minutes before end of the boil...oops!
- After 60 minutes boiling, I turned the cooktop off (14:15) and removed the grain sock with the hops
- Added remaining (1.5kg) DME and rice syrup, stirring continuously
- Because the rice syrup was crystalised I added some of the boiling wort to soften and dissolve - seemed okay
- I threw the paint strainer in to the wort, too, to pasteurise
- Everything stood for 15 minutes
- Then I removed the chilled water from the freezer - the lid was frozen in place so it took a couple of minutes to release
- Drained the paint strainer and placed it over the top of the fermenting bin
- Dropped the funnel into that
- Poured the wort into the fermenting bin via the funnel with paint strainer filter underneath (Note: it is only possible to pour the boiling wort straight in because I'm using the HDPE bin - the Fermus doesn't cope with temps > 50C - do NOT do this with a Fermus)
- Placed the fermenting bin in the fridge with temp controller set to 18C
- Added yeast packets to the fridge to stabilised temperatures